Archive | February, 2011

My Desk Today

23 Feb

Last night I finished separations for a four-color silkscreen of the Octopicecream drawing.

Sorry about the shadow; it is sunny today in Brooklyn. :0

Mystery Project X, Page 25 Rough Layout

22 Feb

I am a’iight with this page. Oh, but I want to flip panel 2 so that Chris is coming from the left hand side, not the right. kthnx.


21 Feb


With high hopes to finish this for MoCCA, this is page six or something for Charles and Renfield. <3

That toilet is too small, but considering this is draft one and I didn't have any reference to go on I am fairly impressed with myself. :B

Octopushead Society Lady

15 Feb

Individual sketch for one of the Moleskines purchased on Etsy

The kind of dumb shit you can expect to find drawn in the back (just for you!!) when you order my Moleskine from my Etsy.

Valentine’s Day!

14 Feb

The old-school way, with construction paper cutouts.

I labored over this for a few days with an exacto. Just about everything is cut paper except for most of the lettering (the “Rocking Roll” is cut paper, though!) and Becky’s tattoos. I got that fab shiny paper for her hotpants and award dildo from an origami paper set I had. :D (For those of you unawares, she has a dildo trophy because she is hosting the Porn Awards in “Life of Vice.”)

And while it did not scan particularly well, I also used a silver pen (Becky’s tee-shirt, my snakebites, the “i” in Rocking Roll), a blue glitter pen (Robin’s eyes), and some neon pink paper (the hearts above “stud of the year”). Tee hee.

SHAG rug

13 Feb

I actually had THREE sketches to post related to this, but my scanner is being a WANKER so I guess we’re stuck with just ONE.

This is for fashion class and the assignment was to do a sketch inspired by a movie (we had a list of about five to choose from, I did “Barbarella”) and include an outfit or accessory from reference (catsuit).

Here, a mod sixties-ish character is supposed to be rolling around all over a fur rug/blanket/whatever since there was a lot of FUR in “Barbarella.” Her entire spaceship is wall-to-wall fur covering…man, the late 60’s: wtf. Amirite?

Dirty Thirties?

13 Feb

I am trying to get my shit together enough to do a short (eight-ish page) smutty comic, set in the late 1930’s and featuring a young rookie newshound and the infamous, catsuited diamond thief (femme fatale type) he’s trying to get the scoop on.